Completed 27 years today… my company Web1 completed 4 years today…

The days are passing by at the speed of the light.. memories of last year are still fresh and another one just popped up… feels good.. feels happy but to be frank, I am not so fresh and happy this time.. may be the slogging I did for past couple of months have taken toll on me.. or may be I am not happy with certain things..

But on the other hand.. I am really happy for my company, I am really loving the way it’s shaping up.. not growing at the rocket speed but on slow and steady pace it is getting ready to run on its own feet..

The company size has grown to 6 team members (4 last year).. the number is going to increase pretty rapidly from now on.. (already looking for 7th member).. Megha is going to join me full time in few days.. Getting good amount of work… improving on the quality day by day.. but still I am waiting for the day when we are 100% in terms of quality… really eagerly waiting for the day.. and I am pretty much sure that, I should be able to achieve that in coming couple of months..

In the past year.. there were few hiccups.. mostly from the employment side.. had good amount of rough days… (and still having) but hopefully things will be smooth within a week… and I will get rid of all these sleepless nights.. and will get my weekends back too…

But again.. I am not complaining.. it’s a whole package.. and we need to accept it with a smiling face.. if there are good times.. there will be bad times too.. there is no fun without the bad times..

Want to write more and more but I guess… I will end up making this a sad post rather than a happy happy post.. haha

So, let’s talk about good things… very good things.. haha the gifts…

Till now… got really cool gifts.. wife and sister gifted me.. a nice looking shirt.. a friend gifted me a nice shirt with some super yummy chocolates.. (and my fav. chocolate orange flavored Lindt)


I was going to give it myself today but due to work load.. I could not give it…

So what is it? haha

A super sexy blog design…

So how does it look? Well… will have to wait for few days.. but here is the sneak peak..

Deep's New Blog Design

This one is just a rough header with watermark on the images and all.. the whole layout is currently being converted to CSS/xHTML.. there are really some cool things on the roadmap…

So, what do you think? How does it look? 😀

I guess.. that’s it for now…

Ending it with a happy note… just need best wishes of everyone.. 🙂
